City Wide Scavenger Hunt

Update - July 2, 2024

Thank you to all who participated in our 5th Annual City-Wide Scavenger Hunt! The competition officially closed on June 30, 2024. We received an impressive 136 individual entries! The winners were chosen at random using Google Random Number Generator and the list of entries. We are pleased to announce the winners, Chloe Johnson and Carter Klarenbach!! The winners have been contacted by the library. Once again, thanks to everyone who participated in making this year's Scavenger Hunt a success!!

Update - June 19, 2024

All twelve clues for our annual city-wide scavenger hunt are now released! If you are just starting or are a little behind schedule, have no fear! The clues will remain out in the wild until June 30, so there is plenty of time to solve the riddles and log your entries. If 

Ahoy, adventurers! Get ready for the thrill of our fifth annual Library Scavenger Hunt, launching this May! Whether you're exploring solo or embarking with your crew, navigate the clues on our social media channels to discover hidden treasures beneath the waves of Beaumont. Track down the elusive poster, activate your sonar with a QR code scan, and follow the instructions to claim your share of library loot. Inspired by "Daughter of the Deep," a modern twist on "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea," this event promises excitement for all. Set your course for adventure and let the hunt begin! Fair winds and buoyant spirits to all who dare to join! 

The first clue will be published on Wednesday, May 8, at 3:00 p.m. After the initial week, clues will be published every Tuesday and Thursday at 3:00 pm on Facebook. Clues will also be updated on our website throughout the scavenger hunt. That's two clues released every week for the next six weeks! The contest will run from May 8 to June 30.  Winners will be contacted at the end of the Scavenger Hunt to claim their prize.

June 19, 2024 - Clue Number Twelve - Final Clue!!!

Clue #12: Ahoy, brave seekers! Hear the call, Of Riordan's tales, where legends sprawl. In Dansereau's green, where dreams take flight, Beneath the sun's warm, golden light.  Where soccer fields and ice rinks meet, Adventure stirs, with each heartbeat. Amidst the laughter, amidst the play, Your next clue waits, where children sway.  So lace your shoes and join the fray, In Dansereau Meadows, where secrets lay. For heroes rise where dreams are sown, In this enchanted land, yet unshown.

June 13, 2024 - Clue Number Eleven

Clue #11: Where blue tarmac meets the sky, Beneath the hoop where dreams soar high, In the other Reservoir Park's domain, Ignite your flame, feel the game's refrain. In Riordan's tale, the depths unfold, Where mysteries lie, and legends told. Follow where land meets the tide, Where basketballs bounce and adventures abide. In Beaumont's heart, secrets keep, Amidst the waves where stories sweep. Your next clue hides, await the call, Embark, brave seeker, and find it all.

June 11, 2024 - Clue Number Ten

Clue #10: Just like Nelinha fixes the Nautilus with her engineering flair, Head to the place where children play without a care. She often calls her friends 'babe' with a grin so wide, You'll find your next hint where joy and swings collide. To the playground at St. Vital Park you must go, Where laughter and fun continually flow. But don't stop there, for Nelinha's skills are vast, She'd fix more than ships - her talents unsurpassed. By the pump house near the reservoir's calm expanse,  Imagine her at work, given half the chance. Your clue awaits where water flows and engineers might be, Find it there and your next hint will be free.

June 6, 2024- Clue Number Nine

Clue #9: In a tale beneath the waves, Ana's journey took a dive, Where House Orca's strength and care kept spirits alive. On the Nautilus, secrets in the library did unfold, Ana shared her heart, her courage, and stories untold. To find your next hint, think of a quiet bookish nook, Where wisdom flows freely, and you won't need a look. Seek out the place where knowledge is tacit and clear, In Beaumont, it awaits - a treasure quite near. Search for a little library, much like Nautilus' own, Where stories of courage and care have flown. You'll find what you seek, where pages freely roam, In Tacit Knowledge's embrace, like Ana's sea-bound home.

June 4, 2024 - Clue Number Eight

Clue #8: Welcome, seeker of the deep and untold lore,  Where Nemo's lineage and legends soar.  Start where the stories waves meet Beaumont's historical embrace,  By Beaumont's past, the South House's place.  You'll find the Nautilus Plaque  in this Cul-de-sac.

May 30, 2024 - Clue Number Seven

Clue #7: Embark upon this voyage bold, where mysteries of sound unfold. On Beaumont's map, your eyes will find, a clue to echoes left behind. Seek the place where organs and pianos  get fixed so that they can sing their grand ballet. A doctor of keys, an octave's grace, like the Nautilus' bridge, in time and space. Across the street, diagonal flight, awaits the next clue, shining bright. A poster marks your path ahead, to secrets hidden, yet to be spread. So follow, seeker, don't delay, through streets and alleys, make your way. For treasures wait for those who roam, and solve the riddles of this poetic tome!

May 28, 2024 - Clue Number Six

Clue #6: In the depths of the Nautilus, where riches gleam, Diamonds, pearls, and gold, beyond anyone’s dream. But seek not the sea, nor its depths profound, For riches ashore are what will be found. To find the trove where diamonds shine bright, Seek the fields where day turns to night. In Beaumont's embrace, where children play free, Near Coloniale school, where baseball diamonds be.

May 23, 2024 - Clue Number Five

Clue #5: Welcome, brave seekers, to a place where pastimes meet, Where vintage games and cooking treats make every mission sweet. Within the Lincoln's halls, where secrets often sleep, An orangutan's culinary skills will surely make you leap. But first, to start your journey, seek out the Fountain of Youth Hub cheer, Where cooking clubs and gaming nights will help your quest draw near.

May 21, 2024 - Clue Number Four

Clue #4: In Beaumont's heart, where secrets abound,  A hidden isle, with treasures unbound.  Amongst the waves, where history's hue,  There lies a base, old yet anew.  The Lincoln base, a sanctuary rare,  A wealth of knowledge, beyond compare.  But first, seek out the island true,  Where this leg of treasure waits for you.  In Beaumont's grasp, a single isle stands,  The only real, where dreams expand.  A journey there, to seek and see,  The secrets hidden,  beneath Beaumont’s largest sea.  Once there, your quest shall truly start,  The Lincoln base, a beacon's art.  To find this leg, with wisdom grand,  Unravel the clues, within the mainland.

May 16, 2024 - Clue Number Three

Clue #3: In Southern California, where our story starts, A city named Beaumont lies, a clue imparts. By the hall where growth and progress reign, Your next clue awaits, where your city is named.

May 14, 2024 - Clue Number Two

Clue #2: In waves they swim, in classes they glide,  Ana’s dolphins, her brother’s shark pride. Beyond the pool, where sun meets sight, A poster waits, where paths unite. Where dolphins and sharks display their might,  The next clue lingers, within your sight. (hint: check sources of night light)

May 8, 2024 - Clue Number One

Clue #1: Where tales of the deep and wisdom intertwine, In the library where secrets align, Discover where Ana’s Journey unfurls, Besides the display, where this story twirls. Navigate the currents of knowledge and lore,  To find the next hint, on this quest you’ll soar. Explore the depths of wisdom and more, Unveil this first clue then  continue to journey some more.